Week one was a little all over the place as we had a few appointments, but we did clean and organize the fridge, freezer and pantries, and got prepared for the challenge which you can read all about it here.
For our meal plans this week, I planned Thanksgiving dinner and a few other hearty meals so we would have plenty to eat throughout the week and so my brother could take leftovers home as well. I like cooking extra so I could freeze some meat like chicken and ham. I also cooked the items taking up extra room in the freezer! It’s a week of delicious and hearty meals…and leftovers!!
Let’s get to it!
Week Two – This week is October 7 to October 13
October 7
Lunch — Roast Turkey, Peas, Natchinka, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Supper — Broccoli Macaroni Soup using my Broccoli Soup recipe and simply adding pasta before adding the broccoli
October 8
Lunch — leftovers from yesterday
Supper — Fresh Baked Buns – plain & cheese along with leftovers
October 9
Lunch — Sandwiches using the fresh buns and turkey
Supper — more leftovers
October 10
Lunch — Hot Turkey Sandwich on Homemade Buns with Salad
Supper — Hamburgers
For the hot turkey sandwich, we toasted bread, placed warmed turkey on as well as hot leftover gravy — so delicious!
October 11
Lunch — Cheese & Chive Buns, Lazy Holubtsi, Scalloped Potatoes and Glazed Ham & Carrots and Salad
Supper — leftovers
For the cheese and chive buns, I used my Bacon Cheese Buns recipe and instead of bacon, I added chives from our garden
October 12
Lunch — Ham Sandwiches on the Cheese & Chive Buns with other leftovers
Supper — Honey Garlic Cauliflower with Veggie Ramen Stir-Fry & Rice
For the stir-fry, I sauté veggies, add extra water to my veggies along with soy sauce or honey garlic sauce and place the noodles in. Cover and let cook about 5 minutes. Remove the lid and stir. The noodles will absorb the liquid. So yummy!
October 13
Lunch — Thanksgiving Dinner – Chicken & Stuffing, Peas, Mashed Potatoes, Cabbage Roll Casserole, Natchinka, Gravy, Salad and Fresh Sourdough Bread
Supper — yesterday leftovers along with today’s leftovers and Pumpkin Pie

And that’s Week Two! It was a little easier this week since we were home most of the time, which is great! I’m looking forward to next week’s meals!
enjoy from Our City Homestead to yours
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