It is hard to believe that September is already over! This month has been quite warm with a few cold and rainy days. Some days were +36C/96F and some were +16C/60F and some were much colder still. We can definitely feel the season changing now.
Let me share with you about how our garden fared this month.
We have been slowly picking everything out of the garden. Cucumbers and zucchini did not produce a whole lot and are now turning brown. Lots of the herbs have gone to seed as well.

Here is the mint. Some has gone to seed which I plan on harvesting the seed if the weather holds out. The mint still tastes great, so I will be making mint extract with a bunch of it.

Here is the mint starting to flower and the asparagus. I am looking forward to possibly having a few stalks of asparagus next year!

Dill has gone to seed and is now ready to be picked. Harvested dill seed is the best to plant each spring — it seems to grow much better than dill seed from the store.

Here is the garden. The squash is blossoming but I am not sure if we will get any zucchini with October around the corner.

The cilantro/coriander seed is nearly ready to be harvested as well. I am glad how much seed we are able to save this fall!

We picked much of the seed, cleaned out the plants because in just two weeks, the garden needs to be cleaned out for the winter.

And just like that, September is done and gardening this season is almost finished. I always enjoy harvesting. It is such a great feeling to have worked hard all summer and enjoy the goodies that were grown.
How did your garden do this month?
enjoy from Our City Homestead to yours