We decided to make these easy beeswax lotion bars to share with our fellow gardeners at the community garden. Dirt often dries the hands out, so applying a nice lotion bar to help soothe dry skin seemed like the perfect mini gift. We also included some mini soaps which were simple to make since we…
August Garden Update with Our City Homestead
Our City Homestead’s August garden has us preparing for fall with the ripening and collection of seeds and harvesting veggies and herbs.
Homemade Mint Extract
This year, my mint has grown wonderfully. It has been a hot summer with little rain (so we have watered often!!) and the mint grew so well that I ended up with far too much mint!! So, I decided to make mint extract! I love using mint extracts in desserts like mint nanaimo bars or…
How to Cook Patty Pan Squash
Last year we bought some patty pan squash — also known as sunburst squash — from the farmers market and absolutely loved it, so we decided to grow it ourselves. Patty pans grow much like zucchini. They’re sweet and neutral in flavor so you can season them however you like. When they’re a good size,…
July Garden Update with Our City Homestead
It’s the beginning of July and time to start our July Garden Update! Let me take you around the garden! Here the squash and cucumbers are up but many did not sprout. I seeded them again a couple weeks ago, so we will see if they grow. It is getting a bit late in the…
Painting Rocks
Painting rocks is a fun way to spruce up the garden, create a rock garden, as garden markers or spread joy and positivity throughout the neighborhood. We decided to paint rocks and hide them in our fellow gardeners’ plots at the community garden. And everyone enjoyed them! We chose to paint fun things like jokes…
June Garden Update with Our City Homestead
I love watching the garden grow. In just 2 weeks, the garden has made great progress. Much of the seeds we planted have come up. It is a little difficult at this point to sometimes distinguish between a weed and a plant! We had pulled out a whole row of rosemary last year, thinking it…