This month has been fairly hot with a few stormy nights, but not a lot of good gentle rain to soak the ground. Most days are around 31C/87F so we are needing to water much more often. The dirt in our community garden plot needs constant weeding because of the oats growing in it since it is field dirt from a nearby farmer’s field. We are leaving a few sprigs to see how it grows!
I could not believe how quickly the vegetables came up. By the start of June, the beans were up, along with the potatoes and patty pan (sunburst) squash. Within a few weeks, all of the garden’s up and growing great.

The potatoes are growing well.

The beans are up and growing well.

I love watching the onions grow. They seem to grow so quickly! These are the beans at the start of June.

Here are the potatoes growing over the month of June. You can sure see the progress!

Here is the garden mid-June. A few things are growing and some never came up like our herbs. I am not sure if it has been too hot and the seeds did not have a chance to sprout or if the birds and bugs came along and gobbled the seeds up. We re-planted the herbs and a few other items that did not yet sprout.

We have been enjoying the green onions for most of June. Fresh green onions are delicious and so flavorful.

In two weeks our garden went from this….

…to this!!

The beans have been replanted a few times, but the ones that have sprouted are growing great!

The beets are up and are doing good. I love pickling beets and making beet soup, so I sure hope we have lots!

Our backyard garden is doing great, but it has a lot more shade than the community garden. My daughters have planted an array of herbs and different lettuces as well as corn, sunflowers, cucumbers, beans, peas and zucchini.

I am glad to see the dill growing well in our backyard since we have replanted it in our community garden plot.

By the end of June, our lettuce is looking like this and we are eating spinach from our community garden plot. Nothing beats fresh garden goodies!

In our backyard, we have 2 rhubarb plants and we planted 2 more because I love rhubarb!! They get part sun and part shade through the day and grow wonderful alongside the deck. By the third week of June, you can see how well the rhubarb grew! We water in the evenings, every other day. We found if we over water, we end up with too many slugs in the rhubarb because the ground just stays too damp in this area. With a storm looming and the possibility of hail, we decided to pick the rhubarb to make our favorite rhubarb squares.

And that’s the update for our garden for the month of June. I am looking forward to eating more freshly grown veggies — nothing beats homegrown! Let us know how your garden is doing too. We love hearing about garden updates.
enjoy from Our City Homestead to yours