Happiness is the sun shining and digging in the dirt! The sun is warm and the cool breeze is welcome on this lovely summery day. We had a bunch of weeds to pick before we could finish planting the dill and carrots.
In our backyard, we planted 2 more rhubarb plants (Canada Red and Strawberry Red), and several other berry-bearing bushes like gooseberry, elderberry and red currant as well as cherry trees. Our city homestead is improving every year!
Though we live in the city, we can bring concepts of country homesteading to the city like planting fruit bearing trees and bushes/shrubs as well as vegetable gardening. Some will produce fruit this year and some will start to produce next year and some may take a few years but there is no better time than today to plant some goodness!

It does not look like much, but everything is planted in our garden plot in the community garden. I am looking forward to this year’s gardening season! Many of our fellow gardeners have been planting also.

We planted half of our plot in a variety of potatoes. Nothing beats fresh garden potatoes!

Here you can see the onions and the potatoes at the far end. The carrot, beets, dill and other veggies are in the centre.

We have planted cucumbers, patty pan squash and zucchini up here in this deeper, taller box since we grew zucchini last year and they grew wonderfully in this box!

Since it has been so hot, we have been watering as well as weeding often because of course the more we water, the more the weeds grow!! The onions are doing great. The dill, carrots, beets, lettuce/spinach is up as well as the potatoes.

In just a week, the onions have grown so well!!

The potatoes are growing well in this heat, and we have been watering every other night.

So far, the garden is doing wonderful and we are looking forward to this growing season!
What are you growing in your garden this year?
enjoy from Our City Homestead to yours