These lazy cabbage rolls, also called lazy holubtsi in Ukrainian (pronounced hall-up-chee), is a family dish that everyone loves and a recipe we normally don’t share, but I’m sharing it with you today! Heirloom recipes are always the best recipes! My mom watched my aunt make these lazy cabbage rolls over 50 years ago and that how my mom learned what to do, so she then began making them. They were always a family favorite and a dish we had at every holiday or when company came as I was growing up.
These lazy cabbage rolls have just a few ingredients – rice, bacon, sauerkraut and onion. It’s hard to describe the flavor besides smoky bacon with rice and a touch of sourness from the sauerkraut. It tastes so much better than I could ever describe!
Since we are currently doing 1940s Days, this easily fits in with our rations! I will link the post if you want to read about our Week 2 of 1940s Days soon!
Let’s get started!
First, cut a pack of bacon into thin slices. Place bacon in skillet.

Pan fry until nearly cooked and mostly browned.

Drain any grease, add onion. I always keep the grease to use — especially during 1940s Days!

Cook until onion is tender.

Turn off heat. Add rice. I cook 3/4 cup uncooked rice and it’s the perfect amount!

Add sauerkraut. I usually go by taste. I just added the rest of the jar after I drained most of the brine. Stir well.

Spoon into a greased pan. I usually use a casserole dish but I was cooking Natchinka in my casserole, so I used my small roasting pan.
Dot with butter and pour in a half cup of water.

Cook, uncovered at 350F for one hour, stirring half way through.

Time to serve it up. It’s so good!!

This is what we had for dinner with the lazy cabbage rolls: buttered whole wheat bread, stuffing, roast chicken, gravy, natchinka, and mashed potatoes which I had with cheese (some of my rations), yogurt and green onion. It was all so delicious! I also had hot tea and iced tea with strawberry puree to spruce it up a bit. Delicious!