Welcome back to the garden!! I will be sharing everything about how our garden is doing throughout the month of June! I am looking forward to beautiful weather, sunshine, no smoky skies, birds chirping and of course gardening!
Let’s take a gander at the garden this month!
It’s June 5 and the weather has been quite warm! With the warm weather comes dry ground, so we need to water a few times a week. Let’s take a walk around the garden and I’ll show you how everything is growing!
The potatoes and carrots are up in the small garden box.

The rhubarb is growing really well in this weather! I’m looking forward to picking some and baking something delicious!

The beans are slowly coming up. The ground is super dry, but after picking weeds and taking photos, we watered the garden quite well.

Carrots are up! It’s so exciting to see what you’ve planted begin to grow! I think that’s one reason I love gardening!

I’m so glad to see a lot of the garden is up which is so great to see! And many others in the community garden have planted their gardens now as well.

“Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle… a seed waiting to sprout, a bulb opening to the light, a bud straining to unfurl. And the anticipation nurtures our dream.”
– Barbara Winkler
It’s now June 12 and the cucumbers are up! I’m looking forward to canning cucumbers that we have planted rather than buying them!! Dill pickles are our favorite! And we planted a variety of eating cucumbers that I am looking forward to harvesting this summer.

Woohoo! Look at those beautiful green onions. There’s nothing better than adding green onions from the garden to eggs, a variety of salads, and any meal that you’d like that sharp onion flavor!

Here’s what the entire garden looks like!

“God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done.”
– anonymous
It is now June 23 and it finally rained!! We have been watering the garden, but it’s just not the same as fresh rain!! We have actually had a lot of rain these past few days which is nice since it has been horribly dry. Everything is up although it looks like we may have to replant a few things like beans, cucumbers and squash. The peas and potatoes are doing wonderfully though! Let’s take a walk through the garden!
The peas are growing well.

Look at the potatoes!! They look great!

Here’s lettuce, squash, beets, a few different kinds of onions, beans, asparagus, cucumbers, carrots, potatoes, dill, sunflowers and of course, weeds that need to be picked!

So much has grown in the last month!

It’s now June 25 and the rain we have had mixed with the warm sunshine sure is making the garden grow lovely!

Rhubarb is ready to pick! I love rhubarb, so I am looking forward to squares, pies and jams!

Here we have beets growing. We may have to plant more in the gaps!!

Beans are doing well and we just planted a few tomato plants! We may need to plant a few more beans!

Look at those potatoes! I can’t believe how much they have grown in the last month! It’s such a joy to see!

These potatoes are not growing as well as the potatoes in the other box, but nevertheless, they are growing and that’s a wonderful sign!

What a beautiful summer day! And I love seeing how everyone else’s garden are doing as well. There has been a lot of growth this month!

How have your gardens faired this month? Let us know in the comments!
enjoy from Our City Homestead to yours