Last year we bought some patty pan squash — also known as sunburst squash — from the farmers market and absolutely loved it, so we decided to grow it ourselves.
Patty pans grow much like zucchini. They’re sweet and neutral in flavor so you can season them however you like. When they’re a good size, pick them and pan fry, add to any meat dish, soup or stew or even a stir-fry. They’re super versatile!

Wash. Cut into pieces. Depending on the size, I usually cut the patty pan squash in half, and then slice them. Place in a pan with a splash of oil and seasoning with salt, pepper and your favorite seasonings like dill or a smoky bbq.

Let cook, about 10 minutes, stirring often.

I cook until tender, and lightly golden.

You can also pickle squash. When we pickle squash, I make them like I do dill pickles and they are delicious!!
Patty Pans will keep for a few weeks on the counter or longer if stored in a cool dark place like the basement, where air can circulate around them so do not place directly on cement.
Look at these lovely squash!

It was a hot summer in 2024 and look at how well the squash grew! We couldn’t believe it. And they taste great and are not bitter. I just slice it up a bit smaller and if there’s big seeds inside, I remove those.