It is August already and we are reaping the benefits of all of our hard work in our garden this summer! This summer has been quite hot with bouts of heavy rain. When it has been hot during the day, we either water early in the morning or in the early evening so the water…
Category: In Our Garden

Our Garden’s Latest Progress
Its July 26, 2020 and our garden is making great progress! It is amazing how much changes in just a few weeks! The weather has been hot and stormy but we have definitely needed to water on those hot, muggy days!Let’s check on the garden! The patty pan squash (also known as sunburst squash or…

Our City Garden
Here is the progress on our city garden! We have two garden plots in our local community garden – one large and one small. We try our best to stay on top of the weeds and weed it weekly. Some days have been quite wet which is a relief in that we did not have…

And the Garden Grows
Not only do we have vegetables growing in our garden plots in the community garden, but we also have vegetables in flower pots in our backyard that my kids love to tend to! We are growing lettuce, cauliflower and potatoes in larger flower pots along with peas, beans and green onions in smaller flower pots….

Watching Our Garden Grow
It’s June 26 and our garden is growing amazingly well! Some vegetables are still just sprouting or yet to sprout, while others are up and growing and vegetables like lettuce, spinach, green onions and baby dill can be used already. In our small planter, we have zucchini, spinach, lettuce and green onions growing. Our zucchini…

Our Garden’s Progress
We love checking on the progress of our garden. Often, in just a few days, especially after rain and some warm sunshine, our garden’s progress is really noticeable. Our potatoes here are growing great! We made sure that the hills still have lots of dirt, and added where it needed. Most of the onions are…

Checking on our Garden
In just a few short days, warm weather and wonderful rain, we have much more sprouting up in our garden. Let’s check on the garden. We have patty pans sprouted (which are also called summer squash or scallop squash). They are tender, require no peeling and are delicious sliced and sauteed in butter and oil…

Welcome to our Garden
We planted our garden now a few weeks ago, and things are starting to sprout and grow! It is so exciting to see what is growing after weeding and watering and looking after it! Raised flower beds are a great way to grow vegetables and things like strawberries or pineberries. They do not take up…