It’s the beginning of July and time to start our July Garden Update! Let me take you around the garden! Here the squash and cucumbers are up but many did not sprout. I seeded them again a couple weeks ago, so we will see if they grow. It is getting a bit late in the…
Category: In Our Garden

June Garden Update with Our City Homestead
I love watching the garden grow. In just 2 weeks, the garden has made great progress. Much of the seeds we planted have come up. It is a little difficult at this point to sometimes distinguish between a weed and a plant! We had pulled out a whole row of rosemary last year, thinking it…

May Garden Update with Our City Homestead
Oh the start of the gardening season. How I love this time of year. Planning what we are going to grow, picking out our seeds and plants, the fresh spring air. It is all wonderful. After a long winter, it is exciting to be able to get back into the garden. We have our plot…

Harvesting Corn Seed
We started growing corn this spring indoors and planted it in my mom’s garden where there was more room for it to grow. It did exceptionally well where it gets both sun and shade and plenty of water. This summer, the corn grew so well and the cobs had properly formed kernels that when cooked,…

2021 Garden Harvest
It is hard to believe the garden season is nearly over! We have been harvesting the garden since August. We have had lots of frost warnings, so we have been picking the garden goodies, cleaning the garden out and helping my folks clean out their garden too. I love harvesting the garden! It is one…

Our City Homestead’s August Garden Harvest Update
This month’s gardening experience has been a challenging one. With little rain and a lot of hot sunny days, our garden is looking a little toasted! We have watered quite often, but it has been disappointing. We decided to dig up our garden plot at the community garden early. We did not get much, but…

Our City Homestead’s July Garden Update
Throughout July, the garden has actually been doing fairly well. It has been quite hot with some cloud and a bit of rain, but we still have had to water quite often. The community garden is in an open field alongside a walking trail and has no shade in any part of the day, so…

Our City Homestead’s June Garden Update
This month has been fairly hot with a few stormy nights, but not a lot of good gentle rain to soak the ground. Most days are around 31C/87F so we are needing to water much more often. The dirt in our community garden plot needs constant weeding because of the oats growing in it since…