Bread and Butter Pickles have a sweet and tangy flavor to them, much different than dill pickles, but equally delicious eaten with a meal or on a sandwich. Bread and Butter Pickles have a sharp vinegary taste yet has a sweetness to them — they are one of my favorites! This is a great way to use up those cucumbers from the garden. I often make these when I want a different type of pickle to enjoy all winter long.
I usually toss in other vegetables with the cucumbers like cauliflower, onions, bell pepper and even carrots – it is super versatile and tastes yummy no matter what veggies you add with the cucumbers! Or you can stay more traditional with just cucumber and onions. I do find though that with other veggies in the pickle mix, they do not last as long on the shelf and really should be eaten within a year.
There’s a few steps and these pickles do take a while, so let’s get started!
Once I prepare the veggies, they are placed in a bowl with salt and left for 2 hours. This draws the water out which helps them to be a bit more crispy.
I used to always soak the cucumber and onion in salt water but sometimes found they became mushy once canned, so I usually just place them in a bowl of ice water like I do with dill pickles to keep them crisp and avoid the salt step.
You can really do either method, whichever works best for you.

I pack the veggies into the jars once the jars have been boiled in the canning pot to kill any bacteria. Be sure to sterilize the jars accordingly to manufacture directions, and for your elevation.
Sometimes I cook the cucumbers and veggies in the brine, and sometimes I can it this way. Either seems to work well. Today, I am packing the veggies in the jars and will ladle the hot brine over top.

Combine the brine ingredients together. The ingredients are listed at the bottom of this post for you but you will need vinegar, water, brown sugar, mustard seed, celery seed, turmeric and pickling salt. Bring to a boil.

At this point you can add the vegetables to the brine and cook for 5 minutes and then ladle into the jars. I chose to do it differently and I find it works either way although the brine probably goes throughout the pickles a bit better if tossed into the pot and then canned. I will can these again and show this method another year to show the difference.
I then poured brine into the jars over the cucumbers and other veggies. Wipe rims well.

Place seal on and ring, tightened just finger tight. Place in caning pot and process for 10 minutes. Remove from pot and place on towels on a cutting board. Let cool completely. Jars will snap once sealed.
Once sealed, I leave them on the towel and place upside down for 2 days. Then I write the date on and place in my storage area in the basement where it stays cool. Stores well in a dark cool place for up to one year.

Bread & Butter Pickles
3lbs cucumbers – about 10 cups sliced
4 onions, thinly sliced or pearl onions
1/2 cup pickling salt
Mix and let stand 2 hours.
Drain and rinse.
6 cups water
3 cups cider vinegar or white vinegar
2 cups brown sugar
2 tbsp mustard seed
1 tsp celery seed
1 tsp turmeric
1 tbsp pickling salt
Combine brine ingredients together. Bring to a boil. Add the vegetables to the sauce and return to a boil.
Pack into prepared 500ml jars. Makes about 5 jars. Wipe rims, seal and put on rings to just finger tight. Process 10 minutes.