Welcome to our garden! We have been gardening in our plot in the community garden as well as in a bunch of containers and a garden bed at our home this season. It has been hot this month with a few rainy days. I will share with you all of the updates throughout August. Let’s get to it.
“Weeds are nature’s graffiti.”
– Janice Maeditere
It’s August 7 and the tomatoes my daughter started from seed in April finally have blossoms and tomatoes!! Yay! It seems a little late, but hopefully we’ll get a bunch of tomatoes!

My daughter is so excited to see actual tomatoes too!

Here is the community garden on August 10. It’s beautifully sunny, quite warm and that means time to water again!

Here is our plot. The garlic chives are not doing that great but the rest of the garden seems to be doing well. Let’s take a closer look.

Here are the carrots. They are actually getting to be a good size — perfect for eating now.

The asparagus is finally growing where we can pick a few pieces. The first year you cannot harvest any, the second year you can pick some which we are, and next year, the asparagus would be especially good and ready to pick. We couldn’t believe we actually have asparagus here!!

The beans are doing really well too. I picked this handful to enjoy. I usually chop the beans, boil until tender and then once drained, add butter, salt and pepper. But garden fresh I often just sauté in butter and salt and pepper and sometimes dill. So yummy!

The peas are growing so good and are ready to eat! We have regular peas and sugar snap peas with edible pods. These are the sugar snap peas.

It is August 10 and this afternoon we picked a bowl full of beets, potatoes and a couple onions as well as a bunch of rhubarb, peas and beans!! This is the part of summer I love! We get to enjoy all of our hard work.

Look at these beautiful veggies!

Walk through the garden with us in our live August 10 Facebook update video here: August Live Walk Through
Summer seems to fly by! It’s already August 17 and time for an update! We went to check the garden and water a bit this afternoon. Today was +35C/95F — definitely a scorcher!!
The potatoes are starting to not look as good and just starting to brown a bit. Once the plants are completely browned, it is time to harvest them all. Some of the peas look like it’s time to pick and rip the plants out too. The tomatoes are full of of flowers and the beets and carrots are slowly growing!

The sunflower is slow in opening, but I’m elated it’s growing. Year after year we have planted sunflowers at the community garden but they never grew until this year.

It is hard to believe we are at the end of August already! It is now August 29 and the tomatoes are doing really good. We have bunches of tomatoes growing and it’s exciting to see since my daughter grew most of them from seed.

“Hope is one of the essential tools of a farmer or gardener.”
– Amy Stewart
The garden is always so pretty in the evening sun.

You can finally see where the sunflower will soon open. I love sunflowers even though I am incredibly allergic to the flower heads. They are simply so beautiful and always look so sunny. Sunflowers always brighten my day!

These sunflowers were supposed to be 14 feet tall! I do not think they will get that tall this season, but even just over 5 feet tall, they are still lovely! It was such a beautiful evening to water the garden.

We decided to pick an onion to see how big it was and of course to cook with it. Most of our onions ended up being tossed since they were ravaged by worms.

This is the rhubarb, mint and tomatoes growing at home. Much of the mint has flowered but there is plenty to still enjoy! Can you believe there is 4 types of mint growing here!?!

And that is the updates throughout the month of August! It is hard to believe we will be heading into the fall months and winter is fast approaching. Of course I would have liked to have grown more vegetables to be able to enjoy through the winter, but sometimes you just never know how the garden will do or what bugs will wipe out a crop. That is always a part of gardening.
How is your garden growing this summer? I would love to hear.
enjoy from Our City Homestead to yours