It’s June 26 and our garden is growing amazingly well! Some vegetables are still just sprouting or yet to sprout, while others are up and growing and vegetables like lettuce, spinach, green onions and baby dill can be used already.
In our small planter, we have zucchini, spinach, lettuce and green onions growing. Our zucchini is growing great and requires lots of water on those hot summer days and when they have not received enough water, you can smell the bitterness from them.
Some spinach did not grow, so we have replanted the seeds but what spinach did grow, is yummy. I love the fresh taste of homegrown spinach and lettuces. We have green leaf lettuce growing as well as buttercrunch lettuce. Our lettuce is perfect for picking and is tender and great in salads and in sandwiches.
The onions are doing great and are perfect for picking — just pluck off the green tops! We planted multipliers for the green onion tops which are delicious in salads, fried or scrambled eggs, easy salsa, and wonderful topped on soups, potatoes and almost any other dish! I always like to keep a bunch chopped up in a bowl so they are easy to grab and easy to use.
Look at that beautiful lettuce!
The potatoes are growing so good and we continue to hill, if we see any plants that are lacking dirt around the base. If there is not enough of a hill, there may not be many potatoes under the plant.
It’s so exciting to see just how well the garden is doing — especially our potatoes!! They have begun to flower!
I love seeing all the progress and we always take a gander at our fellow gardeners to see what they are growing — the gardens appear to have had a great start this season!
Beans, carrots, dill and patty pan squash are all up and growing.
We have replanted the beets twice now and discovered a giant ant hill in the middle of the beets which may be the reason why nothing is growing here! I think those pesky ants may be stealing my seeds!! The chives are also up and look very much like grass when they start to grow — careful when weeding!!
Our cucumbers have been planted twice as well but not many have come up. Others gardeners that I spoke with have been having the same issues with cucumbers. Today we decided to plant a few more!
Not only do we have our garden plot but we have a few veggies pots in our back yard as well as berries.
My daughter decided to grow cauliflower and it’s doing great! We just tried one this year, but will probably try more next year!
The strawberries are blooming which I am so surprised since we planted the runners just this spring!
Our raspberry roots have been planted and the blueberry plants we planted this spring have flowers on them! It is so exciting to see everything growing because I always think of all the things we can do once they are producing beautifully not to mention eating all the fresh fruit we like! One of the many things I love about summer!
The raspberry roots were just planted about 6″ deep, depending upon the length of the root. We have been making sure to water well, but not over water.
We have picked a bunch of lettuce from our garden plot to enjoy. I always wash it in cool water, spin to dry and then store it in a glass bowl with a lid in the fridge — this helps it to last about 3 to 5 days in the fridge.
We will be updating the progress of our garden throughout the summer! How is your garden doing? What have you planted?
enjoy from Our City Homestead to yours