Happy October! We have actually had some nice weather in October which has been great for the peppers and cucumbers. The temperature has been on average +15C/59F with a few days above +20C/68F. Unfortunately, it gets quite cold at night – usually between +1C to +8C/33F to 46F and it will get below 0C/32F in the upcoming week. We will definitely have to finish harvesting and cleaning out the garden beds!
Let’s show you around!
It was getting a bit too cold for the tomatoes, so we pulled all the plants October 1 and picked the tomatoes. Out of 14 plants, we sure did not get many tomatoes as you can see.

For October 1 the garden is still looking quite good! Here are the peppers. The jalapeno has peppers still growing, but we can pick those to eat. The habanero is finally growing peppers (just starting), but they won’t amount to much since we’ll have to pull the plants soon. There’s a couple habaneros to pick but they’re still green and very tiny. There’s more chili peppers to pick too. We will leave them as long as we can.

Here is the Viking Chokecherry. I love the vibrant red leaves!

Here’s the blueberry bushes. So pretty!

Here’s the honeyberry bushes and raspberries. They are just starting to turn yellow.

October 10
It’s hard to believe it’s October 10 now. Here’s the cucumbers. Had we planted them earlier, we would have had a bunch. Next year we will definitely plant them earlier. But we have a few to eat.

Since the evening temperatures this week will be below zero , we decided to harvest the peppers. It is October 10, so it is time to empty out the gardens!

Here is the rhubarb. We just planted it this summer, but it essentially took all summer to grow. I picked it, washed, chopped and froze it to enjoy in the winter.

Here’s the mint in the little garden box.

The dill seed is coming along. Hopefully the weather holds out enough for the seed to be ready to be harvested?

Here’s the dill and beans that we are waiting to dry out to harvest the seed. We do not have anymore of this bean seed, so we need to harvest the seed. We put boards up in the middle so we can add extra dirt in the spring.

Here’s the cherry tree.

Such beautiful Northern Lights! We were lucky enough to see them from our backyard!

October 19
It’s October 19 now — where did the time go!?! Everything is so gorgeous with all the colored leaves! It’s much more chilly out and there’s a crispness in the air. The warmest it’s been this past week is +11C/51F which felt cold!
Here’s the chokecherry — such a bright red!

Here’s the parsley. We have had some frost and after it rained the other night the water was all icy in the morning, but luckily, the parsley has been quite hardy! I clipped it all today.

Here’s the rosemary and thyme. I trimmed the rosemary again as well as the chives.

Here’s our herbs. I’m going to wash it and freeze it. The rosemary I may place in olive oil.

Here’s the raspberry bushes…and the weeds of course.

Here’s the blueberries.

Here’s the honeyberries.

The apple tree leaves are an assortment of yellow, orange and red — coppery fall colors! God’s beauty is everywhere this time of year!

We have also been slowly filling the other garden beds. Hopefully we will finish filling them with dirt in the next couple of weeks, but if not, we will finish filling them in the spring. I just wanted them at least half full before it snows! Our wagon broke so now we have to carry it and that takes a bit longer for sure!! If we have a chance, we’ll keep filling it (because snow is in our forecast for this week)!!
Here’s the back garden bed and the 2 side ones, partly with dirt.

We picked the dill seed and removed a few fronds and the seed from the plant.

We left the mint for now, but here’s the rest of the garden…all cleaned out for winter.

“Gardening is the work of a lifetime: you never finish.”
— Oscar de la Renta
How did your garden fair this summer?
enjoy from Our City Homestead to yours