Welcome to Our City Homestead where we share our love of good old fashioned cooking, meals made from scratch, gardening and crafting fun!

Week Three of our 1940s Days
Week Two of 1940s Days went quite well. We had a lot of rations left since we used them much more sparingly than the previous week. Being as we have extras left, it’ll be easier to make a wider range of recipes requiring such items as lard, cheese, sugar or butter. I can understand why…

Welsh Rarebit
Welsh rarebit is toast with a cheese sauce poured over top. It dates back to the late 1700s and is thought to have possibly been a peasant dish as meat was expensive and cheese was readily available and a common protein food source in those days. It is also a great way to use stale…

Spam Fritters
Spam Fritters is a piece of Spam, battered and fried. It is a simple, humble meal. It was popular during World War 2 because of its convenience and affordability and was often served in school lunches. During World War II, Spam was a common canned meat in rations and became a staple food for both…

1940s Bran Muffins
These bran muffins from the 1940s are surprisingly light and fluffy with a moist and tender crumb and a lightly crisp top. To be completely honest, I did not expect that! When I touched the muffin to see if it’d spring back, it felt hard and dried out. So I was delighted to see the…

Bread Pancakes from the 1940s
Nothing went to waste during rationing of the Second World War and resourceful cooks found ways to use scraps, especially bread, and repurpose it into new meals. There’s a plethora of recipes using stale bread but I was especially excited to see bread pancakes! I had never heard of bread pancakes until we started 1940s…

Week Two of our 1940s Days
Week One of following World War 2 Rations went surprisingly well although we did run out of rations early on. Learning about rations and how to cook hearty meals from set ingredients has been interesting and trying at times. Some days I was frustrated on what to cook within our rations, and until I decided…

Lazy Cabbage Rolls
These lazy cabbage rolls, also called lazy holubtsi in Ukrainian (pronounced hall-up-chee), is a family dish that everyone loves and a recipe we normally don’t share, but I’m sharing it with you today! Heirloom recipes are always the best recipes! My mom watched my aunt make these lazy cabbage rolls over 50 years ago and…

Potato Soup from the Great Depression
I am always on the search for old fashioned recipes — I always have been, since I was a little kid. I enjoy trying different recipes, especially nostalgic ones. When I saw this recipe for potato soup from the Great Depression, on Timeless Family Recipes, I knew I would have to try it! “My mom…